
Saturday, June 28, 2014


the definition of Hiatus courtesy of google:  
a pause or gap in a sequence, series, or process.

I'm not sure how long a 'typical' hiatus lasts, but mine was close to a year! (oops!)
Alot has been going on since my last post. I started a new job, spent my first holiday season as a married lady, picked up a second job, started focusing majorly on my health and fitness, went to Texas...and Massachusetts, turned 27. 
See? All kinds of stuff going on.

I wanted to start my blog back up for a few reasons.
First being, I started this blog to bring glory to Christ and make His name famous, and I want to continue that work. 
Secondly, as previously stated I've taken a major turn to focus on my health and fitness and I've found that reading other fitness/health related blogs are helpful, encouraging and have wonderful tips and ideas. I can only hope that my rambling will brighten someone's day with a positive thought or motivation. 
And lastly, it's sort of like a diary that you're willing to share with the world. and lets be honest...what girl doesn't like having a diary? 

Psalm 46:10 says this
'Be still, and know that I am God'
Life can get the best of us, and sometimes it's very very hard to slow down, take a breath and remember to be still
But that's what Christ calls us to do - be still
I've learned along my walk that God loves when we give everything to Him, and say Lord, you've got this under control. We have no need to worry, stress or try to take it on ourselves - He's taking care of everything for us. Although this is SO hard, especially for people like me who have to have control and get things done - when we put our faith in Him we are rewarded in ways beyond anything we could have hoped. 

I want to get better at being still. I want to commit to spending time daily with Christ while sitting still at the foot of the cross. Not in the car, while I'm drying my hair or wherever else I can fit that time in my day, I want to make the time to sit with Him and listen. It's not really asking that much, if you think about what He's done for me.

Join me friends! Let's commit to sit down daily and spend time with our Father.


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