
Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Fun Fact About Rachel #93

I'm really stubborn.
(or so I'm told, :] )

I'm also really independent, and don't like admitting defeat. And if I think I'm right about something, good luck changing my mind. 
I am my father's daughter.

If you're reading this than you probably already know I've been asking for people to hold me accountable in various areas of my life. I want to be a good wife and friend. I want to be a great cook and someone who lives a healthy life. But most importantly I want to be a good Christian. 

Last week, I was unexpectedly held accountable to living a Christian lifestyle, and it shocked me. I thought to myself, what gave this person the idea that they had the right to 'be in my business' and that he needed to get over his 'holier than thou' attitude. 
I was pretty mad.

But then The Lord had His way with my stubbornness. I was praying, asking God to calm my heart in this matter and show me how I was supposed to feel, when I heard The Lord say to me ' You wanted to be held accountable...'
Have you ever been proven wrong to your face, and had absolutely no come back to defend yourself? That was me with The Lord's answer...I just sat there, in shame, with no argument to prove my case.
I had asked for, and even wanted people out there who cared enough to hold me to certain standards, and I go upset the first major time it happened. I felt really silly.
At that point, I thanked God for another lesson and the fact that He's so patient and forgiving of how stubborn I can be sometimes.

So this past Sunday at church, our pastor was speaking on being All In for Christ. That we as Christians, and a church live such passionate, Christ centered lives, that it starts to change the city we live in and those around us to where everyone in our town is a follower of Jesus Christ. 

His sermon got me thinking about being all in. I found myself asking if I was really all in? If I had put all I had out there for Jesus, and didn't look back? If I was one of the people that lived that passionate and Christ centered life that he was talking about?
 I knew the answer, and it wasn't what I had expected.
It made me think of how far I've come, and how far I still have to go in my walk with The Lord. But I do still struggle with putting it all out there, and being all in. I still give in to temptation and fall over my own selfish desires. It's taken me a while to realize, that it isn't just an over night change. It's being broken, it's being proven wrong, and it's asking for help.

Today I am thankful for unexpected accountability partners. I'm thankful for unexpected answers. I'm thankful for His patience with me, and His willingness to put up with my stubbornness. I'm especially thankful for a God that calls me out and proves me wrong, and still loves me. 

I pray today friends, that not only I would give it my all, but that you will too. Let's put all we have in our Lord, and live the lives that He's called us to live.

'Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
-Romans 12:2


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